Keilaniemen FÖÖRI I Three distinct interior concepts to support property marketing. READ MORE –> Show all Show all Show from category Real estate marketing Real estate marketing Show from category commercial spaces commercial spaces Show from category Workplaces and offices Workplaces and offices Show from category Houses and homes Houses and homes Show from category Showrooms Showrooms Show from category Real estate development Real estate development Show from category Health and well-being facilities Health and well-being facilities Show from category Cafes and restaurants Cafes and restaurants Show from category Learning spaces Learning spaces Fööri Mall Redi, Pop-up Space Detection Technology Studio Frö House L – Modern Log House The Student Housing Foundation in Vaasa Renovation of a private residence Bright Urban Loft Town house Installation Art Piece “Experience, See, Feel!” Metaverse Lab Simonkenttä commercial alley Docrates Cancer Center Docrates Cancer Center Expansion Skidi Port, Redi Mall Food Port, Redi Mall Street Food, Redi Mall Entertainment world, Redi Mall Destia Tampereen Energia Kito Erikkilä Cafe Luoto Mediconsult Kiilto Business Studio Acolad Nordisk Film Clear Channel Viestimedia Avia Pilot Sulka of Ruoholahti Redi Food Port Showroom Headquarters of the Energy Sector Henley Business School Meeting Park OASIS Orion Mirka Evac MTK Fortum Confederation of Finnish Industries Ilmatar Headquarters When you are looking for a sustainable space solution, space efficiency, increased customer flow and smoothness in everyday life, competent change management or an attractive concept that increases value of your property, contact us! contact us!